Consejo General de la abogacía I Madrid and Oviedo

As part of the training activities of the Bar Council and within the framework of the so- called Training Days organised in collaboration with the Bar Associations, the Madrid and Oviedo Bar Associations hosted the conference «Financing of litigation: opportunities and consequences».

The conference was held in person and broadcast on the internet so that it could be followed by all the Councils, Colleges and members who so wished, via the website of the General Council of the Bar.

Our Managing Partner Cristina Soler had the pleasure of participating as a speaker at the conference, where the nature and practical application of litigation funding in various types of cases was discussed.

The following speakers took part in the presentation:

  • Blas González (Lawyer. Judge on leave of absence).
  • Armando Betancor and César Cervera (Partners at Rockmond Litigation Funding Advisors). Antonio Wesolowski (Lawyer at Calunius Capital).
  • Cristina Soler, Managing Partner of Ramco Litigation Funding

Download the programme here